Our meetings are diverse, and cover a range of different activities, all of which you are invited to. Our main meeting is the monthly meeting, held at:
Jordan Ford
(Pat Booker Facility)
2411 Pat Booker Road,
Universal City, Texas 78148
First Thursday of each month
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The February meeting was a Modelfiesta debrief, taking in things that were done right, things that we can improve. After reminders, the usual in-house matters.
El Presidente gave a thorough learning program demonstration on how to improve your automotive finishes. This is a must for car builders!
Meeting contest and results.
Members are encouraged to bring their finished builds to compete with one another in friendly competition. Each month's winning models are invited back at the end of the year to compete in Alamo Squadron's Model of the Year competition. The winner of our Model of the Year contest has his/her name engraved on a dedicated plaque that the club maintains.
Note: placing in a monthly meeting contest does not prohibit a member from entering in any other contest at any level.
Judging is conducted in accordance with IPMS guidelines, which adhere to the following basics:
Why are we making these changes?
One of the purposes of our club is to help our members improve their modeling skills. Detailed feedback on your work is perhaps the best way to understand where you can focus your skill improvement efforts. Our new judging protocol gives holistic and useful feedback to the modeler. The judges will point out the best elements of the work while specifically noting the type and location of defects. Moreover, the process provides a comprehensive assessment (expressed as a score) of your model’s construction and finish quality, overall presentation, and degree of difficulty. In addition, this new procedure will enable the club to train judges for our next Modelfiesta contest in January.
What will stay the same?
Please continue to bring in the models you have finished for competition in our club’s contest. The top three winners (1-2-3 based on score) will still be eligible for the club’s Model of the Year award. We will continue to use the same table tag entry form.
What will be different?
One of the key differences with this format is that each monthly contest will now be “Open,” with no theme or constraints. This enhances the ability of club members to compete each month. Instead of placing your entry by the WIP area, you will now place your model upon a tray on a table by the room adjacent to our club meeting area, our new “Judging Room.” Club members will continue to be able to view the contest entries, but the location will now be near the Judging Room and not by the WIP area. Once the club meeting comes to its break time, the judges will begin to evaluate the contest entries. Each entry will be carried carefully on a tray into the Judging Room and remain there only long enough to be evaluated. The judges being trained on our new judging procedure will score each model and provide feedback on a form which will be folded and left by the model for the contestant. The model will be carried on the same tray back to the contest entry table. The model will not be lifted off of the tray or handled by the judges. The winners (1-2-3) of the monthly contest will now be determined by their scores rather than by club voting.
As a contestant, what should I do differently?
This new format does not require any changes from you as a member contestant other than placing the model in a different place than where you have for the past few months. Hopefully the feedback you receive will help you accelerate your skill development.
Alamo Squadron recognizes members who actively support the Squadron to improve their own and other club member's modeling skills and display the club's work to the public. Participating members must complete activities worth of minimum of 5 points during the course of the year (April - March). They must complete and display, either at contests or club meetings, a minimum of three models during the year. Points are earned by club members for:
Members can accumulate points toward Model Summit Award. Following the March meeting, the Model Summit chairman will review member activities for the year and identify members who have met the Model Summit Award criteria. All present elegible modelers will select their award during the April meeting starting with the modeler with the most completed models. All other present eligible modelers will select their award in random order. No shows will be contacted to arrange pickup.
Every meeting an Alamo Squadron member or special guest prepares a 20-30 minute presentation where diverse modelling matters are presented to the membership. The subjects vary from Real life in-depth detail of vehicles to model, modeling techniques, tendencies, or other diverse subjects which are benefitial for any modeler, regardless of modeling interest.
Starting in 2023, the Alamo Squadron marketing team decided to take this to a new level and start our own YouTube Channel. Please consider liking, sharing and subscribing to it!
At each monthly meeting Alamo Squadron invites members to bring the current kit (or kits) they are working and give a couple-minute run-down about the kit(s) and the progress they have made so far. We encourage members to tell the rest of the club the positives and negatives of the build as well as how they overcame the negatives. This is an extremely effective way to spur discussion on differing kits, tools, and supplies on the market today as well as the techniques utilized to apply them.
Alamo Squadron meets informally every sunday and builds models. These occasions are much less formal and consist of members getting together, working on their latest build, and discussing or sharing techniques they utilize in their build process. The club usually has an airbrush and compressor set-up during these meetings to help teach those less familiar with this essential tool. Bring you latest project and join the fellowship.